ON | OFF PRESENTS: Jack Irving

Images by: Lacey Ayles
Interview by: Mya Bungar

At London Fashion Week, Jack Irving brought technology, fashion and art together to form an avant-garde showcase in collaboration with On|Off. Specialising in wearable art, it was unknown what we were to expect as we descended into the depths of Spitalfields E1. One thing was certain, Irving would build a world of inflatable, wacky and weird creations that belong in a land far more futuristic and imaginative than our own.

Once empty rooms were transformed into deep, dark spaces that could be found in the depths of the ocean. Energy surged through the air, enhanced by the electric sounds of producer Absolute and disorienting strobe lighting. Electricity and water were key in constructing the feel of an abandoned ocean power plant, “this strange, bizarre atomic environment combined with electromagnetic energy has been harnessing and creating new hybrid alien life forms”, detailed the show notes.

These life forms manifested as three inflatable sculptures worn on models who continuously rotated on the spot. The limbs of one creature shot off in all directions, whilst another’s curved edges mimicked the sea’s organic matter. The show was titled ‘Amphitrite’ after the Greek goddess of the ocean, and it certainly felt like these life forms ruled an undiscovered, radioactive part of the deep blue.

The aqua hues and hints of chrome of each artwork were reflected in makeup by Maya Lewis. Faces were painted to match the colour of the inflatables, complete with a glossy shine that made the face glow when caught in the light. The entire look was monochrome except for hair styled by Jack Merrick-Thirlway. Spiked up into the air, the static styling encouraged movement through its wavy texture, making the hair look as if it were underwater, swaying with the ocean’s current.

Taking form of an AI hologram, the fourth and final model was projected across a spinning wall. Irving is known for his innovative techniques, and this is no exception. He integrates AI with art to produce an immersive experience where the lines between fashion and tech are blurred, constantly pushing the boundaries of his art.


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